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How We Work

The only spaghetti we throw at the wall is the kind we make in our kitchen (though we're more likely to eat it with a nice arrabbiata sauce instead). Through years of experience and learning from our wins and losses, we've built a rock-solid recruiting process that prioritizes your needs and aligns our goals with yours.

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Our Recipe for Success

Like any good dish, it’s the quality of ingredients that matters.

Client Discovery & Documentation

We don’t skimp on details. Through an in-depth discovery call, we gather information to build a Company Profile (all about your team, business goals, and culture) and Role Insights (deep dive into the role impact and growth opportunity, supplementary to a job description) which we share with candidates as a sell-sheet and interview prep.

Client Calibration & Alignment

We don’t throw darts until we can see the bullseye. After initial market research, network outreach, and sourcing rounds, we meet to talk through aspects of varied profiles in order to gain clarity and hone the search. This stage often highlights skill sets and career histories that clients had not considered and brings the clear definition needed to pinpoint the perfect profile.

Strategic Sourcing

We’ll kiss the frogs so you don’t have to. Based on what we've learned, we create a customized approach for sourcing, screening, matching, and closing candidates. If we've done our job correctly, we share no more than three to five candidates that are not only tightly matched to your needs but fully briefed on your company, the role, and your vision.

Interviewing & Iteration

Feedback isn’t just for a hot mic. We handle scheduling and sending invites, hold debrief calls with both clients and candidates, identify and call out potential obstacles, and use your feedback to tweak the search as needed.

Offer Process & Management

We cross our t’s and dot our i’s. We manage all communication and negotiation. Because of the relationships we’ve built, we're able to find the package that ensures candidates feel valued and clients get the best talent without overpaying. Our "best and final" offers to candidates align with their needs, resulting in a ridiculously high acceptance ratio and a great candidate experience.

Our secret sauce
Quality over quantity approach

Less is more, and our clients agree.

Operate in partnership

Our clients trust us to act as their proxy.

Holistic approach

Think comprehensive care for your business.

Abundance mindset

Fear and lack have no place here.

It’s about you, not us

We think it’s obvious, but it’s your company we’re building.

A bias for success

Our statistics are real, and we’d like to keep it that way.

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Industries & functions we support

While some firms believe that the ability to recruit rests on having a network in a specific industry or function, we believe that great recruiters are more than just a network.

While each member of our team has subject matter expertise in a particular industry or role type, working across multiple functions results in each recruiter having stronger business acumen, as well as discovery and match-making skills. Likewise, our knowledge of multiple industries helps us understand the parallels and differences between them, which means we identify candidates that may not be obvious to others.

Our clients have spanned tech, manufacturing, supply chain, healthcare, Retail, and CPG and come in sizes from startup to enterprise, both private (VC/PE backed) and public.


Ways to work with us:

We provide tailored executive, retained, contained, and contingent searches.

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Join Us

Measurable success is only relevant if you’re the one defining the goals, and winning only matters if you’re bringing others up with you. We empower people to live their best lives and incentivize collaboration over competition. To put it plainly, we’re not your boss’s agency.

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let’s do this

It’s Time For a Full 180

It’s Time For a Full 180